Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy Friday everyone!  We are writing from the YMCA and just had a hot shower, just like in the song ;-)

We have had a busy week and month.  The end of February makes it three weeks that we have been living aboard the boat.  All is well and we still love each other.

We have logged 147 miles on Bamboleo so far.  Today we arrived back to Bayfront park at about noon, since Dan has a gig again at Playa Grill on Fri and Sat night, which is going great. 

Our crew on board is a little bigger since last Saturday, with our new friend, Don Pico. (Trans:  Sir Beak)   See his/her picture below.  We rescued her from the ocean (twice) and are rather bewildered about its past.  We found it clinging by its beak to the seawall near our boat. 
  Here is a photo of the thing:

Since we last blogged we sailed further north.  Sunday night we spent "on the hook" at Ragged Keys, but we didn't sleep well while we are still learning to trust our new anchor.  Monday night we anchored in a very protected area called "No Name Harbor".  Tuesday and Wednesday night we had a slip at Crandon Park, very near Miami, on Key Biscayne.  On Wednesday we walked over the Rickenbacher Causeway to the Miami Sea Aquarium.   Here are a few pix of those places:

Don Pico fell back into the ocean at the slip at Crandon Park Marina.  Dan saved him again with a fish net.  Also at Crandon Park, we took a LONG walk through a palm forest to reach a beautiful beach.

Next week our plan is to sail south! We are hoping to reach "Pumpkin Key" and Card Sound.  We will try to update again whenever we can. 

Stay warm everyone and happy sails!

Nancy and Dan


  1. Are you guys certain that Don Pico has not been getting into the rum while you two are at the gig? - Daren, Las Cruces, NM

  2. This is my favorite post so far. Love the pics guys! -15 degrees here today, nice to see some warm looking photos.
