Thursday, March 6, 2014

Today is Thursday, Mar 6.  We did indeed head south this week and made it to the south end of Card Sound.  After listening closely to the weather all week, we thought it prudent to head to our home marina a little early, since thunderstorms are predicted for today and tonight.  But we had a fantastic time.

On Sunday we went east and anchored at "Coon Point".  On Monday we sailed south to Long Arsenicker Key.   Again, we had a successful anchor.  We also had a little bit of a "party" since we were well stocked in ice and beer.  We went for a swim and snorkeled around the boat and could see the anchor in the sand.  We bathed in the cockpit! There was a beautiful sunset and I believe we went to sleep shortly after 8 pm :-).
Here are photos of that day:

Can you tell which is sunrise and which is sunset?  We saw them both that day. 
Trust us, this is another dolphin that swam near our boat in the morning.  We could hear him breathing when he came up for air.
On Tuesday we sailed southeast end of Card Sound and anchored again at Steamboat Creek.  After a few hours of rocking and rolling we weighed anchor and moved to Wednesday Point.  We had a calm beautiful night.  In the morning, far off, we could see it was raining.  We keep saying, how could the ocean get more beautiful!?  How about a rainbow?

That was our new record, 3 nights in a row sleeping attached to only our anchor.  We have a small stove to make coffee every morning and two small shower systems. You might wonder what our boat looks like after a month. 

When we are not sailing, we go for walks or go roller blading.  Here is a picture of our rollerblading path at the National Park.  We can see our boat from the path across the canal.
We have seen many kinds of boats, from power boats to smaller sailboats and million dollar yachts.  Here is a beautiful schooner that had Dan’s attention.  At this time Dan also saw a sea turtle swim by our boat.  We didn’t get a picture, but here’s one from the Sea Aquarium.
After Dan’s gigs on Friday and Saturday night, we will plan to head either south with a destination of Alabama Jacks with an anchorage in north Barnes Sound, or if the wind is in the other direction, we will head back north to No Name Harbor.  Wherever the winds will take us!

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