Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hello to our three loyal blog readers!  We are docked here at the Black Point Marina and have internet access again.  We just went rollerblading and we are enjoying lunch on the outdoor patio.

We spent the last two nights at Boca Chita Key.  We had been particularly wanting to relive that experience and get a photo of Bamboleo there because of our visit there in 2008.  So here are the photos!  Sorry, they are out of order. 

And here is a very cute selfie:

By the way, if you are into charts, here is a link to NOAA Chart 11451, the chart we are using to navigate:

Previous to Boca Chita, we dared to anchor out again, using our new Delta Plow anchor.  It worked perfectly.  We chose a spot near Elliot Key, which is a part of the National Park system, but, unfortunately, it is closed for renovation at this time!  In 2008 we spent a few nights there.  We anchored nearby, among 8 other boats.

That brings us back to last weekend 2/14 - 2/16.  We have already mentioned that Dan had a gig at La Playa Grill at Homestead Park.  However, there was another big event scheduled for the park on Sunday.  350 Classic Cars would be on display and the band cancelled at the last minute.  Then the back up band canceled.  The Harbor Master asked Dan if he would like to play.  Of course, he said yes!  Here are some pictures of the huge stage, the crowd and the cars.  And Nancy, if you can find her in the crowd ;-)  There were over 1,000 people at this event, maybe 2,000.

We are spending the night here at Black Point Marina and heading back to Homestead Park tomorrow because Dan has another Friday night gig at Playa Grill.  Check out their Facebook Page!

One other interesting thing about this area.... Homestead Park is next to Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant.  It's not that pretty, but it is a helpful landmark to us!

Well, that's all the news for the moment.  We plan to head to more northern latitudes early next week:  Key Biscayne, Crandon Park and Coconut Grove!

Hasta la próxima --
Dan and Nancy


  1. It is very cold here and I am jealous of your weather; even if it looks like you are having storms. It feels as if the cold will last forever. Keep sending the warm looking pictures! Miss you! PS is Dan going to be a famous rock star now?

  2. I stole cat picture from Kathy Gasser
