Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Feb. 4, 2014

Day one... we almost got stranded in Metropolis!  But a very sunny morning encouraged us to leave and start heading south in the snow and ice. 
But now we are writing from Lake City, FL.  The temperature has been rising steadily throughout our travels and today we reached 82 degrees.  This morning it was only 41 degrees! 
Dan has been driving the entire time, with me as the navigator.  The truck is running great, and mechanically all is well.   But we still have 400 miles to go to get to our first destination of Homestead, Florida.   We'll try to include some pictures of greenery and palm trees in our next posting!  The weather is truly beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Hope all is going well. We are heading to WI this Sat (2/8/14) for a couple of weeks. Yuk!
