Friday, March 14, 2014

Hi everyone... After a very successful gig on Saturday night, with cousins from Rockford joining us for a fun night and crowd, here is a picture of the Playa Grill crew and our visitors from IL.

We then departed Sunday morning heading southward to Card Sound.  We hoped to make it to "Alabama Jack's" by Monday, and to do so, we needed to sail beneath a bridge.  That was so cool!  We saw many dolphins swimming near us and the sensation of nearing the bridge that we had seen from such a distance, and then going underneath it, was fantastic.  This bridge is considered to be the true beginning of the Florida Keys since it connects mainland with Key Largo.

When we got to Alabama Jack's, our cousins were there to welcome us!  Yummy bloody Mary's and restock of ice.  By the way, Dan has a new used tshirt with a great logo:  "life is like a bag of ice... enjoy it before it melts" :-)  He got it from the ice truck delivery driver.

We revisited some familiar anchorages on the way south; Wednesday Point and on our return north, Steamboat Creek.  The wind changed both nights and both nights we were awakened by the wind and rocking of the boat, usually this must happen between 1 am and 4 am, by some unwritten law, but the anchor held and though we couldn't sleep, we had no need to avert crisis or disaster.

On Tuesday we had a beautiful sail of 17 miles with clear emerald water all around us.  We had all of our sails out and just watched the bottom of the ocean as though we had a glass bottom boat.  We spent Tuesday night anchored at the north end of Sands Key.  Those of you paying attention might recognize this anchorage as our first anchorage upon arrival.  This is where the storm hit at dusk and we dragged anchor all night.  This night, we had a beautiful night, with our new anchor holding all night and again could hear the periodic breathing and visits from a manatee in the area.

We made a quick escape to Boca Chita in the morning to find a protected harbor from the forecasted winds of 20 plus mph for the next two days. 

Here's the view from our back door. (Well, our companion way hatch).

When we went to the lee side of the island, the water was so calm and clear we went snorkeling a few times here.  We had to share the spot with a few other locals.

We met the Canadian caretaker for the island and he opened up the lighthouse to go up and get a birds' eye view of the island.

We stayed here for two nights, til Friday morning.  We had an exciting down wind sail back to Bayfront Park.  The following sea (waves) were about 3-4 feet and wind was at about 20 mph.  Even though we only had a diaper of a sail out (about 1/2 of our jib) we reached speeds in excess of 6 mph.  Seriously, wheee! For our boat, this is almost top speed, or 'hauling ass!"

Okay friends, all for now,  we should have one more entry before we must pull the boat and start our long drive home.  We have not ruled out a return visit next year!!

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